Week 3 class plan on developing respectful processes for projects and opportunities
This week, we will be focusing on Respectful Concept Development. We will hear from panelists that will discuss intentionality in selecting cohorts for program opportunities, supporting marginalized people at sea, and collaborative technology transfer and deep sea project planning in developing states.
How to build relationships with diverse stakeholders that might be interested in research, and how to engage in equitable co-creation of knowledge before developing proposals
Best practices for recruiting and promoting diverse and inclusive teams
Acknowledge the history of discrimination in deep-sea science
Unlearning parachute science approaches, with case studies in Trinidad & Tobago and Kiribati
Amon, D.J., Z. Filander, L. Harris, H. Harden-Davies, 2022. Safe working environments are key to improving inclusion in open-ocean, deep-ocean, and high-seas science. Marine Policy.
Wang, L., C. Adams, R. Quadara, C. Machado, C. Roriguez, K. Suhre, A. Fundis, A. Elmore. 2022. Suggestions for Broadening Inclusivity at Sea. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022. See poster below.
Amon, Rotjan, et al. In Press. My Deep Sea, My Backyard: A Pilot Study to Build Capacity for Global Deep-Ocean Exploration and Research. Phil. Trans. of the Royal Society B. Download pdf proof below:
5 min: Welcome & Check-in
10 min: Catalina Martinez: Common barriers to entry, persistence, advancement, and success for marginalized and minoritized scholars in STEM
20 min: Discussion
10 min: Lu Wang: Supporting marginalized team members at sea
20 min Discussion
5-10 min: Break
10 min: Randi Rotjan & Katy Croff Bell: Capacity Development & Technology transfer case studies: Trinidad & Tobago, Kiribati
30 min: Discussion
5 min: Plans for Week 4
Safety in the Field
Training & Support Services
Reporting & Response