Week 9 Class Plan on creating pre-cruise data management plans and post-cruise reporting
This class will explore the ins and outs of data management plans and cruise reports. We will go over the necessary components, show a range of styles, and provide the opportunity for you to start scaffolding your Data Management Plan (DMP) / Cruise Report outline for your Dream Cruise.
Learn about data management plan (DMP) goals, components, and formats for metadata, digital data, sample data, and engineering plans. Describe data storage challenges and strategies.
Create a data management plan for your Dream Cruise proposal
Learn about goals for cruise reports, components, and formats
Create a cruise report outline for your Dream Cruise
Revise your data management plan for your Dream Cruise with your cruise report goals in mind.
Register for DMP Tool
Read: Data Management Plan, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, Pennsylvania State University
Browse: Ocean DMPs provided as Additional Resources below and published here
Finish preparing the list of data for your Dream Cruise
Hour 1. Data Management
2:00-2:05: Check-in
2:05-2:15: Intro to a Data Management Plan (AF)
What is it, why do you need it, what information should be included?
2:15-2:40: Breakouts
Draft a data management plan for your Dream Cruise proposal, work in breakouts of 3, could use DMP Tool (or other) to organize, put results into template on PubPub
Breakout Group A: Cambronero, Murdock, Roa-Varon
Breakout Group B: Leonard, Van Audenhaege, Shomberg
Breakout Group C: Seabrook, Bigham, Paula
Breakout Group D: Paula, Cordier, Goode, Ponsoni
2:40-3:00: Continue discussion about data
Data storage options and accessibility options (RR)
Organizing files and file naming (AF)
Innovation & Engineering (RR)
Organizing samples and sample naming (RR)
3:00-3:05: Break
Hour 2: Cruise Reports
3:05-3:20: Overview of different types of cruise reports
3:20-3:45: Breakout Activity (same breakout groups)
Now that you have seen what needs to be produced at the end, re-visit your data management plan.
What do you need to revise? Add? Delete? Think through?
3:45-3:55: Return and Discuss
3:55-4:00: Wrap up
Post-class Activity: Prepare 1-page do-not-forget list for items you want to be sure to include in your preliminary post-cruise report for your Dream Cruise
Data management plan examples:
Data management plan template:
Template based loosely on output from the DMPTool website
Note: DMPTool generally creates a file that is not very efficient in layout and not always the way a funder wants to see it, so often good to use the tool, then reformat information in a more compact and logical way.
Cruise report examples:
AT18-07_CR_CORK-Servicing_1109.pdf (for science party)
AT18-07_SD-CR-Prelim_1109.pdf (initial, for U.S. State Department)
AT18-07_SD-CR-Final_1609.pdf (final, for U.S. State Department)
AT26-09_CR_DoradoFlux_1401.pdf (for science party)
AT42-11_CR_LifeInSlowlane_1906.pdf (for science party)
IODP-327_PrelimRept_1010.PDF (IODP, highly structured and complete!)
FK210605 PRIMNM SUP report (USFW, short post-cruise summary)
EX1703 Mapping Report (NOAA OER-generated, mapping only)